
Showing posts from February, 2021

“Your life is shaped by your mind: you become what you think…”

  “Your life is shaped by your mind: you become what you think…” Thoughts become your actions, actions become your habits, habits become your character - and character becomes your destiny! by Hands-On Insights®

“Be a player for ALL seasons…”

  “Be a player for  ALL seasons…” Demonstrate a positive behavior, even during the hard times - and do not limit yourself to a job description. Go above and beyond! by Hands-On Insights®

“WORK hard - and PLAY harder…”

  “WORK hard   - and PLAY harder…” Breaks are essential to ‘refresh’ your mind - enough sleep, adequate nutrition & sports are key to avoid burn-outs.   How balanced is your life? by Hands-On Insights®

“Want to change the world? Start by making your bed…”

“Want to change the world? Start by making your bed…” Major changes are made  of many small steps - one at a time, consistently. Start by being the change… by Hands-On Insights®